Chicken of the Sea Commercial 2024
Chicken of the Sea released a commercial promoting its new tuna packets – an old classic, but with a new twist. Speaking of classic, the canned tuna brand topped its commercial with melted layers of nostalgia taking us back to a random time in 2003 when singer and reality star, Jessica Simpson, asked this famous question, “Is it chicken or fish?”
Jessica Simpson and her daughter, Maxwell, reenacted the famous pop culture moment in this Chicken of the Sea commercial for its portable tuna and salmon packets. Jessica, a busy mom and former reality star on the MTV show Newlyweds, once had a blonde moment while name-dropping the product on her show, and her little oopsie helped boost sales for the brand by 10%. As a result, it only makes sense for her to be the face of Chicken of the Sea’s, “It’s the One for Me Campaign,” which also includes a $100,000 sweepstakes.
Like the canned tuna company, Jessica Simpson has evolved her brand, or a recognizable identity of a product or service that enables it to stand out from its competitors. Now that time has passed, can Jessica distinguish the taste of chicken from a flavorful pack of Chicken of the Sea tuna? 11 years later, she corrects herself and concludes the commercial by telling viewers, “Yes people, I know it’s tuna.”